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Science for the Youth

Introducing a clear world-view


  • The History of the UNIVERSE

 All of time is compressed into 1 calendar year with the Big Bang occuring on January 1st. This video shows us how short our time on Earth has been. According to The Cosmic Calendar, all of human history occurs in the last 10 seconds, of the last minute, of December 31st.

  • The History of LIFE

Sagan briefly describes the course of evolution from the beginning of life to the present.












 The Ancestor's Tale: A Pilg...


The 4th Dimension: Toward a...


Infinity and the Mind: The ...


Godel, Escher, Bach: An Ete...










The Discoverers


De wereld van Sofie


Over wat ik nog wil schrijven












Animal Farm


BBC Brain Story: Unlocking ...


Breaking the Spell: Religio...


Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Ev...










Een schitterend ongeluk : W...


Prachtige Ogen


2001: A Space Odyssey


The End of Eternity










The Foundation Trilogy


Godverdomse dagen op een go...




QED: The Strange Theory of ...










The Pleasure Of Finding Thi...


Complexity: Life at the Edg...


Complexity: The Emerging Sc...


De rivier van Herakleitos: ...










A Brief History of Time


In Search of the Ultimate B...


The Emperor's New Mind: Con...


Fermat's Last Theorem








The Blind Watchmaker: Why t...


Deep Simplicity (Penguin Pr

Genius: The Life and Scienc...  

 Chaos: Making a New Science