The Belgian

WALDACK family

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Waldacks in the U.S.A. & Canada


  • Alphons WALDACK (1883-1970) emigrated with his wife Melanie CREEL (1884-1969) from Evergem, BELGIUM to St-Louis, MISSOURI in the USA.
  • Departure: Antwerpen - 11 March 1905
    Arrival: New York - 22 March 1905
  • With the steamship "Vaderland" (Red Star Line Antwerp / build in 1900 / length 171m  / width 18m / steam engine / 4 masts / 2 chimneys / 2 propellers / 15 knots / 1162 passengers)
  • Children: Adele (1906-1988) and Alphonse (1909-2001)
  • Jeanne NOVAK - WALDACK is the daughter of Alphonse (1909-2001).
